
Monday, June 20, 2016

How to Be Kind Without being viewed As Weak or Naive

Newest edit [nov '17]: well honestly last night I broke down on the phone with a violin friend (who's mutual friend is my violin teaching colleague) who  knew me almost not long enough and gave me hope, then having texting rage war with some1 dear to me: moreover, soon to follow, texting an unrequited love YET good friend, who instilled the simple truths of the gospel and maybe moving me to points towards Jesus and to not succumb to self-harm tendencies. Following that was 4 hours nonstop bawling and crying. Lately kindness has been very filmsy in my veins...years working on a cantankerous inaction stubborness is molding into set of high tides and anything said face value ...anything remotely away from an insult is just arousing hypersensitivity.  Hope is not just found by positivity..but also meeting God halfway (step-by-step by-step ) to commence one's progress (well that in some form is in weakness[right?]: factoring that 'kindness' is inclusive or not) to realize that yas, fulfill the completion will and insert "I am enough" indexed truths,  hope that God is the creator and I am his child, yas I've been through much worse and so allow myself to trust the process whilst I  get through this bump ; and yas I am capable. Breathe Ali..

I think I need to redefine this. Pertinent it is not to be taken advantage of and walked all over, the missioned Christian calling calls the overextending to people's needs (e.g.  be alongside them during time of need, a widowed mom requiring resources) we will be overtly regent to our workplace circles, our 2 yr community college circles, our homes-not necessarily a pitfall- and nonetheless will be looked as well as antagonized as the meek, the close-minded, walkable doormats, and more. To backtrack a bit this may be significantly modified if you are surrounded in a toxic home and you need to be safe place or if you happen to discount blessing in general and ___. But well to continue this train of thought truly God fearing man/woman who loves Christ will do this out of selfless spread honor poured out in action and truth wherever and anytime they are/can. Call for what it is, but in the Christian mindset it's action lived out faith.

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