
Sunday, February 3, 2019

attn: my blogger readers google + is shutting down

Hi guys,

   My blog will no longer be accessible because google + corporate is taking all the google + accounts and profile and plugin associated with that down. If you wish to keep in touch of my post you can find me over at where I will have the blog link on there. I didn't know all this till today. Bittersweet.

Please stay in touch,

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

[partially redacted post]

Reupload of previous post

Only there's words missing

I talk about, for me, recognizing a personal savior when I feel that God is not listening to my pleas that I should not be used by Him and Him alone. I incorporate Scripture of 2 Corinthians chapter 12 verses 8 thru 11. I talk about half assing and texting a sister in Christ-mostly communicates thru texting because busy schedule when I was going through a concerning thought pattern. I also talk about courage and strength

Friday, June 15, 2018

to the readers with divorced parents..

Dear to whom this concerns,

     It has-of course- express of comfort and albeit encouragement of endurance to this particular audience. You may be thinking huh, who are you to be in a position, to offer -if any- since my parents have not divorced yet or not in the divorced status on paper. True. Yet, desiring to speak truth and offer grand compassion has not stopped me from continuing in this gladly pursuit. Some of you may not have divorced parents but pending divorced parents that already have filed officially as "separated". See to that whatever comes out you may take or leave- This post is precedence in assurance for the matricula.

    In the crap reality potentially to secure in this world 🙋 , there is seldom downtime to cultivate the awareness how hard we are being in light of this to ourselves.  We may begin to pick apart ourselves. Or if not that, the hopelessness, the silent wails of pure motives begin and don't ever stop. Still so, the brink of failure in some perceptions is..not limiting to, the belief of recognize ourselves as victims in a major decision-completely normal , err on the anger attitude, experiencing depression,  denial, and anxiety. But the overwhelm that missing piece still-as ever- protrudes. The challenge remains the same, how are we going to get used to the do I remain in control?

Lay down any sufficient doubts, as you continue to journey of heartbreak, the split up with the parents nothing to do with us, {(me)}. Hear me out, you are not alone. Whatever the case that may follow, one of parents' /parents remarrying, the afterthought is , we will be made more mature than if we didn't go through this trial, hard time. Another afterthought I would share is is that the world may fall before your eyes,and you may have to sort out all this confusion, but life is still actually beautiful. I promise you this.

If there is an angry attitude persisting,  I encourage you seek a professional who can help you with this issue. And your journey is not over. May we keep persisting to discover truth and floodgates of this brokenness roam away from our bodies.

Please  share this article if this article fancied you, all the best!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Book review: The pomodoro technique


This book breaks down what a pomodoro is. Yes, it has evolved from Europe, but even to this day (as  in workplaces) you don't see a whole lot of U.S. organizations practicing this. This method is composed 25 mins of hard work, with 5 mins break repeat. After four subsets of these you may take a longer break from 15 mins minimum up to 40 minutes.  Correction:30. Throughout casual regrouping after the end of the day you fill in a self created worksheet or worksheets from the book "summary" "report" and new "to-do list" and "estimate amount of pomodoros" It is rigorous.

I will refer to this learning strategy as "pomodoro technique", "pomodoro method", or "method".

This method haha well to start off was very bad because I had accidentally break this timer in half 2 weeks within using it.

Using this method(s) is very insightful because clearly using this method does not treat test anxiety nor tests if the study strategies using the pomodoro technique screamed "incompetency " and "non productive". For instance the best way for me to study the General Knowledge Exam (GKE) is in a meditative flow and if not..using ebb format. However using the pomodoro technique could not penetrate those studying preferences.

Case in point I failed the GKE both taking it four sections at a time and taking it one section at a time. And no I'm not frustrated at the author, Francesco Cirillo.

While this technique also doesn't dictate if I perform better taking ADHD meds or not, this has measurable units where you can do some math calculations that can detail-wise considering getting an evaluation for ADD or ADHD perhaps.
There is no exaggeration that there are blind spots from reliance of the pomodoro. This is due to addictions on the electronics or for gamers Or maybe you absolutely are busy juggling multitude of tasks. For example I was on youtube and even with the timecube and even with the timecube went off I found myself instead of taking 3-5 minutes and completing the next task, I was still viewing gamer stats immediately after clicking off a youtube video. Also fun fact,  this confidence is also ruined-reliance on the pomodoro technique- if you are recovering from a health procedure done to you. So weigh your discernment wisely.
If I were to tell you that I was speaking for the masses, I would. But this pomodoro technique, once you tried it, may definitely work for you. You have to see that for yourself.

AND maybe for me I may have to considering hiring an one on one tutor to pass the GKE.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Reconciliation at it's best #earthy

-✓names have been changed other than __church cities__ for intending purposes of confidentiality

A fellowship in Davie and I had (using my strength) had fallen out). In fact I had written an unpleasant letter to the Pastor and his wife. Raffy and Beatrice.

I repented one way sided (to Jesus)back in 2015.

But as God would have it, led me I had reconnected to Beatrice and Raffy  through a brother in Christ[Steven](blessing with another blessing), who actually serves a deacon role at his church ,over in Starbucks in Davie( even when I stopped living there) and updated me life(uh do you keep in contact with the cult ?[backstory: the cult knew of Pastor Raffy and Beatrice, served alongside (in Ft Lauderdale mega church and then again via Christ the Rock) and then created tension and then more actions and without reaching any more reconciliating had broached on an impassee]. Doors Closed and these two "clusters" stopped interacting with each other. Neither paid homage to another.

 Out of confusion and what seemed desperation, I decided to believe what the cult had rumored of this Beatrice and Raffy and denied every facet of Christianity and stuck with them(cult) until the cult co-founder kicked me out.

Steven during this run in with him, offered to reconnect me to his wife[Claudia ](wow they are married compared to when I fellowship last integrated haha time flies). The walls that another cult had said (these two people were evil) all crumbled. I was going against my selfishness and took responsibility for the present. I started going to their(don't confuse with the cult) newly Bible study on some Fri for young Adults and really taking in their annoiting of their leading. I participated and began (not how I was in the past) , be transparent.

I was having undeserving grace with this sister in Christ -Claudia(you wouldn't believe how I deceived I was with still being embedded the slander from this cult.) We met up to catch up beyond the young adult fellowship . She offered to give me Beatrice's info since I brought her and Raffy up.

2 weeks later even I asked Claudia for Beatrice's info-

Then all tracks screeched.

Beatrice had gently reminded Claudia that I wrote a nasty letter making all these false accusations (I blocked the memory )

but saying (the way Claudia delivered has seemed it was preemptive and would stem to some sort of catty knock drag and down scene) stuff that I quoted from the cult...serving literal feet on the platter.)

 It was true, I did that.

My gut self collapsed, I needed that push comes to shove how my behavior affected others** What made this even more (emotions more intensified is that I caused beef with my Jamaican fam and esp the best friend and I haven't been normal)

I instantly was promising Claudia I would make amends to Beatrice and Raffy concerning the inappropriate of my behavior.

Fast fwd, reconcilation happened(this week). And what made me bend over joy was the words of Beatrice saying:" Lets not drag the past of guilt," Raffy and I have forgiven you long time ago, we hoped and prayed that you would let God discern that the influence circles was harming your spiritual health"

Then Beatrice continued "I told Claudia to tell you we can reconnect but it may come out of tension format but it wasn't to condemn was to search where your heart is and it's visible that God has impacted and grow in you. But thank you for your apology"

It was awesome to hear that from her. Moreover, I  got to experience God's redemption.And experience healing from her side . We went bowling (I really knew just Beatrice, Steven, and Raffy and claudia) but with their new church that they had launched for God's kingdom. And dang, Raffy and claudia's three children had grown (3 yrs) so much since I have seen them. It was fun and great.

I remember to also go to Pastor Raffy(I didn't need to I told his wifey Beatrice of my apology) and apologize in person. He was like "it's okay"

"I don't remember too much from the letter and all I remember is that you were freaking out on certain unverified ideas and wisdom from the preaching"

After that I caught him up on being a member Church and how God's working in my life, and we even had some laughs! Love you

I'm imperfect. I have issues, but practically speaking we all have issues, aren't perfect, and if you ever so decide to deny yourself, you can let Jesus be the driver of your life and whoa, experience not so ordinary journey.

Most will  be led instant blessing. And true life changes by the fruit but there is a price, denying things that are known as crutches (big bucks[exceptions are people who made it to that level of inheritance with extreme frugal and putting money towards stocks and all]; fear of other people's opinions ; conventional street drugs; constant alcohol, dating as in the "sewing oats edition" dating). Because of the fundamental hunger be satiated, the bottom line is that price and God's unique standards he requires of us leads to fruitful growth and an eternal comfort. It guards into a steep tunnel inside of us as out of this shaven emit our character -for what it is...strength , optimism- and shines.

May those to call beyond the brokenness and live neck high for the cross sake be revived by for glory.

***There is going to be a prologe to this where the memorobilia and greater context of fellowship hopping   stems from my church when I moved back home and started attending -as my sister hinted to check out- Christ the Rock. From Feb 2013.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

#2k10 versus #2k17

NOTE: there was recent edits, hash much? #wedonotmindhopefully

Flashback to Jan when I'm at larry's over in coral springs #icecream with my adopted middle sister-[Jamaican Christian fam] with her boyfriend-Kershen- after I get the corolla car fixed #stupidtransmitter #armycarmechanic. They found each other at the workplace (where they had to keep their personal and work lives separate)-similar to my previous ex-and at some point there was this temptation to throw a pity party that I was single & right in that present time, just then I refused to entertain the idea and I poked my eyes to gaze at the ceiling of this ice cream shop. The couple soon followed suit and my sister Mel asked..."what are you looking at?"

"nothing, nothing" I replied.

"hah you look like a high school child with that bkpack" Kershen said "no lie"

"i know i know haha" I teased back, "just leave me be" Kershen was this Trinidad who actually was a previous manager to both Kershen and Mel. Holy Cow. Once again this interracial dating reminded back to me & my previous ex. *Flash fwd*

Eventually that car was sold to her, behind my parent's back and then she haha revamped the car (huge fender bender as well as the starter had to be replaced) that seemed the perfect thing to since she eventually switched over to triple 'A' Not just that the car ended up being 'Hello Kitty' themed.

Flashback to Feb 2012 throughout my high school career when admission decisions came and I got accepted to university of Florida for the summer of 2012. This then , went on-

"whooo HOO I GOT accepted into UF!" I exclaimed to my parental authorities

"That's GR8", my dad replied "Now you can marry a man from there"

"whut?" I said and just then My jaw dropped. I had worked so hard to get into my dream school, and here my dad downplayed implying that I can be a housewife and marry a man from there.

"What are you getting at?" I replied

*This was pivotal context because I had started dual-enrolling to broward college since the summer of my sophomore year- and broward college was alright I preferred to go out of school, but my parents didn't let me*

Flashback to today may 2017 and I'm studying for my test today in a couple of hours at central campus for my class at north campus and I see a herd of high schoolers patrolling the university libraries center of FAU davie and BC davie..I see Julissa Li from the blurred crowd and we both wave at each other.

WE exchange some words & then parted ways- I take seat in a table no far away from Miramar high schoolers embedded themselves from, and not far from Julissa

"please please please" I thought to myself towards Julissa "Don't go here, your bro, dad and mom are smart...don't go here"

I continued with that thought "this was my safety school, believe you me if my health didn't permit...I would be out of campus apartments at FAU now"

"There some perks that I gained like having the pleasure and privilege to serve alongside in a leadership role in Phi Alpha delta south campus" for purposes of pre-education/education majors. I was even fb admin for the fb page of phi alpha delta. "It's just Julissa serves better than that: and as for Broward college central gym, the staff and the people are ghetto as heck"

My previous ex also was in the teacher education program with me. And we both worked for broward county public schools as well

"Julissa whatever you do if you decide go here, please I urge you, let it be your current challenge or safety school"

There was this recent article that I have an  account in  ->
where it talks about safety school are NOT bad. Its slightedly given me opportunities to build a support system. At least three people (have greatly impacted my Christian walk) due to our matching faiths. Praise him and in him alone (-:

-Ali Li

Monday, May 15, 2017

Leaders do not null over minimizing shame despite all odds & override notion to thrive on self-advancement as a pride boost thing

What happens when you're on a roadtrip? Your right brain actually creates stronger connections! You have laughter, and lots of
fantastic photos, right? Occasionally you come across great food that you will even leave a review on yelp or google haha.

What also happens though? Anyone want to take a guess?

Well stress, if you are traveling with friends, it's the usual bickering, and if you are with family then it's stress as well. It's no sleep-ins (well this case because I just got back from a 14 hour drive with my immediate fam to see my sister graduate with a bachelors over in Duke Uni), it's losing all sense of formality because your inner 3 year old jumps out and the lens in viewing the world (in my case) IS "me, me, ME". It's when I missed the home-cooked meals I cook for myself daily, it's the shoulder press machines, and my queen sized mattress I utterly missed most.

This roadtrip was rough. I was fickling out on my sister (even though she had uniquely graduated with distinctions) and I thought I was able to practice avoidance by coming up with a confident decision in this trip. And don't get me wrong I did feel bad that I was going between two thoughts of pendulums. And I am still (always) proud of my sister (one of her graduation[of the two total commencement days] had like cross religions type style sermon preached) which I slept through it most of the time), for graduating cuz mainly I can show my #proudmama appreciation of their accomplishments, I just had a particularly unique situation with my parents that just compounded the average predicaments that although Dave Ramsey said it best, it's just really flipping difficult to manage around. And my investigator for the car accident had been contacting me on the roadtrip back today and even weeks before.

The dynamic with my family is that there are three worry warts, can you guess who is the one left out (thank goodness~)- my mother. She rarely gets stressed out, it's impressive. Being that my sis got to escape the majority of the scene(s) because she was situated in the dorm (and really getting ready for the big day plus moving her things as me and fam are moving to another city) she was considered unscathed. And the thing with me and my dad is that we both take everything personally. What doesn't help things is that one of us is always either sleep deprived or really consumed from what's happening at work to focus on the present.

Moderate ado has passed let me just to a couple of case in point(s)-

God convicted me to honestly rise beyond myself, that just it.

During the moments where I could just was prodded from my parents I held back and didn't become this Smart-alec that I was constantly and consistently known for. I would just keep listening on my phone with earbuds in.

During the moments when my dad's anxiety levels were escalating to the max, (I swear he just has these travel moods) I would step-in in real time and do touch-interference with him (and honestly in a way that conveyed I wasn't slapping him; not that I ever slap him)-this usually and mostly works for kids, but when the context calls for it..why not? It worked too just in case you were wondering.

If either of my parents were seeing things from "an irrational" perspective- that would be the time when I would then chime in and say this phrase in Mandarin Chinese, which just translated as "can you really just please take a step back for a sec?"

If I get severely tempted, I just disengaged with them for several moments, they may or may not have perceived this as annoying but honestly it is what it is.

On the way back today, I was manipulated for a dinner option ( that I did not prefer at all) this is what happened-

"Alison, we want you to eat at this restau. that way we get home faster"

"I'm gonna choose to eat at Ikea okay?? Besides this *insert fam members name alluded to this and said this aloud" here's gas $'"

"okay, we do that"

____**1.5 hr l8r**___________

"well how about we at this restau.; both of us rly rly rly rly insist, plus this restau. are our customers~"

*silent my end*

______10 min l8____

"no, let's just do ikea, remember?"

"oh yea yea"

"Alison, we need to do that restau-"

"No, I say no" I firmly said " we should not do that"


_____________5.5 hour time units sincerely roll over_____________________________

one fam member asks "Alison, when does ikea close?"

after some exchange of dialogue I tell them, "you know what let's just do that customer's restau.; their take-out boxes are also not enough for party of three anyway"

The other fam member yoohoos and then heads to that moment, me being slighted, just persists and makes it a priority to keep my earbuds in

Meanwhile fastfwd some more...

We get the food from the restau. then we make our way home-30 mins shy

"Alison's a leader" my family member had declared

Fast fwd again-

We arrive home. The two had just only were focused on the food, me, being kinda reasonable just diligently and gingerly took stock of the arsenal (i kid , I mean luggage) and start unloading everything out from the car (besides my sister's belongings which were to remain in the car for personal reasons). The two first put the food and their fam munched out snacks, come back out of the garage, take notice of what I'm doing, and start to do the same. We end eventually.

Home sweet home baby~

As we are in the homebase my family member once again exclaims "Alison is a leader, good for us all" (in Mandarin Chinese)

Boy that is somewhat flattering to hear but truly relieving to hear honest to God.

Good night everyone~ --> A.L.