
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

(: Book Haul: inspired from bulletproof storms and tribulations #lad #kiddo #shewolf

Cheers guys!

So I have some literature that I would like to share with you all. It's helped me with some rough times (and the good too). Results may vary and read at your own risk~

How I will present these is in alphabetical order of the lit, I read this actually circa august of last year, and didn't really end till about March 2017. Two of them are books, while one of them is a pdf you may download online.

W/o further ado, here we go-

The first book (of total two) is called How to find selfless joy in a Me-centered World. The link to this (URL) would be this
The book is great, I actually got this back in 2014 & would only do selective reading to the topics that I would see fit in accordance to my daily struggles. Not the best idea lol. My Christian sister decided to gift me with this & I'm glad she did. Leslie Vernick is not only a known author in the Chrsitian circles but one of her other books, alludes me to other familiar authors such as Nancy DeLeigh Mossauthor of Lies Women believe. If you also need a light heart-read compared to Charles Spurgeon, this book is for you.

This other format-second one- is "handout for high school youth group" by Francis Chan. How this is broken up is each handout resembles each week for a total of four weeks. And honestly by the 3/4 pacing progress in week 2, I was snoring. That was encouraging, but the chunks inevitably didn't fit the multi-faceted persona learning style that I have & so I had to cut ties with it. This one may also be saved in my google drive (which now I regret). That being said, his books, such as Crazy love is so good. This literature handout though is thumbs down. Sorry not sorry.

Moreover, the last book in this haul would be Lead Small by Reggie & and 1 other. SGL essentially stands for Small Group Leader.  I was required to read this book upon serving in the children's ministry in Calvary Chapel Boca Raton location in Boca Raton FL. (slight tangent, but this church is a local branch off from the satellite broadcasted church of Calvary chapel of the Fort Lauderdale location). This book is profoundly one of the inspiring books I've have ever read. Plus it's so parent friendly-I wouldn't have imagined. I highly recommend this book. This is also really good if you may happen to deal with charismatic & highly skilled yet suffocating small group leaders and you are considering to take up a team leader slot somewhere  (hopefully in your local church). I attest to y'all that this book boosted my dependence on God, which made me cherish the intimacy I had with God. It really made me see where the kids ultimate potential,& only God can harness only to be unleashed with the gift they serve to the world, which of course utilizing the mentality by that child; that he/she fits the mold in God's image to foster soaring such wings. The link to SGL is here :

Enjoy them or some:

Ali L

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