
Sunday, October 22, 2017

Book review: The pomodoro technique


This book breaks down what a pomodoro is. Yes, it has evolved from Europe, but even to this day (as  in workplaces) you don't see a whole lot of U.S. organizations practicing this. This method is composed 25 mins of hard work, with 5 mins break repeat. After four subsets of these you may take a longer break from 15 mins minimum up to 40 minutes.  Correction:30. Throughout casual regrouping after the end of the day you fill in a self created worksheet or worksheets from the book "summary" "report" and new "to-do list" and "estimate amount of pomodoros" It is rigorous.

I will refer to this learning strategy as "pomodoro technique", "pomodoro method", or "method".

This method haha well to start off was very bad because I had accidentally break this timer in half 2 weeks within using it.

Using this method(s) is very insightful because clearly using this method does not treat test anxiety nor tests if the study strategies using the pomodoro technique screamed "incompetency " and "non productive". For instance the best way for me to study the General Knowledge Exam (GKE) is in a meditative flow and if not..using ebb format. However using the pomodoro technique could not penetrate those studying preferences.

Case in point I failed the GKE both taking it four sections at a time and taking it one section at a time. And no I'm not frustrated at the author, Francesco Cirillo.

While this technique also doesn't dictate if I perform better taking ADHD meds or not, this has measurable units where you can do some math calculations that can detail-wise considering getting an evaluation for ADD or ADHD perhaps.
There is no exaggeration that there are blind spots from reliance of the pomodoro. This is due to addictions on the electronics or for gamers Or maybe you absolutely are busy juggling multitude of tasks. For example I was on youtube and even with the timecube and even with the timecube went off I found myself instead of taking 3-5 minutes and completing the next task, I was still viewing gamer stats immediately after clicking off a youtube video. Also fun fact,  this confidence is also ruined-reliance on the pomodoro technique- if you are recovering from a health procedure done to you. So weigh your discernment wisely.
If I were to tell you that I was speaking for the masses, I would. But this pomodoro technique, once you tried it, may definitely work for you. You have to see that for yourself.

AND maybe for me I may have to considering hiring an one on one tutor to pass the GKE.

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